Homestuck Drabbles

Drabbles are stories that are exactly 100 words long, or more recently any story that is very short, usually under 400 words. some writing here will be 100 word drabbles, others just short.



the fair carapace and hints of azure blue and gold make such a pleasing contrast against the ruby carpet and glittering dark glass walls, and the way she's trembling is so fetching. you crook one long, sculpted, finger and draw her closer. you say she already has her directions, but you might offer further advice, but such with a price. if she's ready to pay. she nods and leans toward you, and suddenly you're pressing lips to lips with bruising force and face to flushing face.

you call attention to her blush, she doesn't have anything to say about that.



Hi my name is Spades Slick and I have a shiny carapace as black as a spade (that’s how I got my name) with nice sharp nails and bright white eyes like the inside of a star or a welding arc and a lot of people tell me I look like the white queen (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m not related to Bilious Slick, but i wish i was because jfc that would piss snowman right the hell off, she hates amphibians. I’m a carapacian and my teeth are nice and sharp. I have dark inky skin. I’m also a mobster, and I run a city called Midnight City in the Green Moon where I’m the motherfucking boss (I’m seventeen million). I’m a gangster (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. I love my alchimeter and I get all my clothes from there. For example today I was wearing a black trenchcoat with a matching belt around it and a black suit, black combat boots and a very servicable black fedora with included candy pocket. I was walking outside the Felt Manor. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about, because that pansy Problem Sleuth would either have to give up tracking me or be miserable, seriously, i hope his little white umbrella blows inside out, it’d serve him right, the bastard. A lot of Felt stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.



cw: antisemitism


she is always there when doc scratch or that damned empress manipulates events yet again, and she always is there to take the blame, "look at her", they say "i saw her nearby when it happened". "look at her, look how big a nose she has. look how big her horns are, like a goat. i bet she has cloven hooves too, instead of feet." "look how rusty her blood is, i bet she uses the blood of young purples to dye her bread" and pretty soon the blood of some rust blood is running down the street. she hear doc scratch ramble on once about how he saw the sign of the signless in a sunbeam once. doc scratch didn't know him, she did. his blood was closer to hers. he likes to call himself "constantine" because as he says "my little girl, the only constant is time". sometimes she wonders why she listens to him at all.

but others do....



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